Two high school soccer teams in Woodbury set aside their rivalry to help fight hunger. Athletes from the East Ridge High School team reached out to the Woodbury High team for a joint fundraiser that benefited the SoWashCo CARES Education Foundation.
The soccer teams gathered donations to help students experiencing food insecurity. A statement from the school district stated the project allowed student-athletes to learn about food and housing insecurity and experience how to advocate, mobilize, and support their community.
The fundraiser culminated during the annual soccer derby earlier this month. Team East Ridge donated $590 and Team Woodbury raised $435 for a total of $1,025. In addition, a barrel-full of ready-to-eat meals and snacks were donated.
“I think it’s also important to highlight that this is such a beautiful moment in high school sports. Competition doesn’t always bring out the best in people. These athletes are eager to work together for this mission. We’re all so proud of them.” said Shireen Sakizadeh, President of the East Ridge High School Soccer Booster Club.
The money will be used by SoWashCares to purchase ready-to-eat meals and snacks for distribution to students in need at SoWashCo high schools and the Next Step/Pathways transition program.