Bird Hike at Big Marine Park Reserve, Saturday, Mar. 8, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., 17495 Manning Trail North Marine on St. Croix, Minn. These hikes are a great way to get outdoors, listen to the sounds of nature, and learn to identify the birds that call the St. Croix Valley home. Participants have the opportunity to contribute to citizen science data collection by completing bird count surveys. The surveys collected will assist our Natural Resources team in conjunction with the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Fund grant. Dress for the weather. We recommend bringing your binoculars, water, snacks and wear winter hiking shoes or boots. Program is open to all ages, but children must be accompanied by parent/guardian.
Third Annual Woodbury Spring Craft & Gift Show, Sunday, Mar. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., M Health Fairview Sports Center, 4125 Radio Dr, Woodbury. Handmade craft exhibitors and small businesses. Woodworkers, knots, embroidery, crocheted items, lights, metal art, wood signs, cosmetics, beauty and wellness products, art, photographers, bakers, candy, jams and jellies.
Family Bingo, Sunday, Mar. 9, at 1 p.m., 3rd Act Craft Brewery, 4120 Radio Dr, Woodbury. Seating starts at noon. Come out to support the free Basic Needs Food Market! Only $2 per Bingo card and we play 10 games!
Japan Preview Concert, Sunday, Mar. 9, at 3 p.m. King of Kings Church, 1583 Radio Dr, Woodbury. Join the Saint Paul Civic Symphony for this free concert highlighting music that will be featured in a joint SPCS/Nagasaki Symphony Orchestra concert in Japan this summer!
Tea Talks: 2023-2024 Historic Courthouse Preservation Project, Friday, Mar. 14, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., Washington County Historic Courthouse, 101 West Pine Street, Stillwater, Minn. Nibble pastries, sip tea and coffee, and enjoy a presentation by Parks Coordinator Jack Nilsen on the courthouse preservation project. Cost: $15 per person. Registration required.
Peter and the Wolf, East Metro Symphony Orchestra, Sunday, Mar. 16, at 3 p.m. at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 2499 North Helen Street, North St. Paul, Minn. Admission to this concert is free. Donations in support of the orchestra’s work in the community are always appreciated.
A Community Conversation on Racial Justice with Dr. Yohuru Williams, Wednesday, Mar. 19, 5 p.m. M Health Fairview Woodwinds Hospital Auditorium, 1925 Woodwinds Dr., St Paul. The Woodbury Racial Equity Collaborative invites you to a powerful evening of education, dialogue, and community building at our upcoming Speaker Series event: Six Degrees of Segregation featuring Dr. Yohuru Williams. Dr. Williams, a leading voice in racial justice education, will explore six key areas where racial disparities continue to impact our communities, including employment, housing, education, and voting. Free event, but registration is required.
Minnesota in World War Two with Col. Don Patton, Thursday, Mar. 20, at the Stillwater Event Center, 1910 S. Greeley Street – next door to the Washington County Heritage Center. World War 2 Roundtable President Col. Don Patton will be the featured speaker for the Washington County Historical Society Annual Meeting. He will highlight the Minnesotans who played major roles during WWII and contributions from companies on the home front. Col. Patton was the Commander of the 882nd Personnel Service Company, Commander of the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion and Commander, 13th Psyops Battalion. He retired after 30 years of Service as Colonel. Social hour at 5:30 p.m. with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. The event is open to the public and the cost is $25 for WCHS members and $30 for nonmembers. Seating is limited and organizers expect a large attendance. Reservations are required in advance.
Spring Equinox Forest Bathing, Saturday, Mar. 22, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Cottage Grove Ravine Regional Park. 9653 Keats Avenue South Cottage Grove, Minn. Experience an ancient wellness practice being rediscovered anew in the 21st century. Join us on an immersive, meditative, and awe-inspiring Japanese forest bathing experience (Shinrin-Yoku). See first-hand how nature’s fractals, sounds, and sensations reduce your stress and anxiety, and enhance your focus. Give yourself permission to slow down and connect your senses to the healing beauty of our county’s green forested spaces. Space is limited. Cost: $45/person each session. A Washington County park vehicle permit is required ($7/daily or $30/annual).
Tenth Annual Short Film Festival & Food Drive, Sunday, Mar. 23, at 5 p.m. at Woodbury 10 Theatre, 1470 Queens Drive. Admission to see local short films is two canned goods per person. Click the link for a list of films.