WOODBURY, MN (WNN) – Stillwater Area High School science teacher Stacy Bartlett is a semifinalist for the 2025 Minnesota Teacher of the Year Award.
Bartlett, beloved by students, is one of 31 semifinalists chosen by a panel of 21 community leaders.
Bartlett has been teaching in Stillwater Area Schools since August 2012.
The panel will review the semifinalists’ portfolios and video submissions in mid-March before selecting 10 finalists from the group.
The Minnesota Teacher of the Year banquet and award announcement is set for May 4 at the Saint Paul RiverCentre.
Eligible candidates include teachers of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, Early Childhood Family Education, and Adult Basic Education, from public and private schools.
Hannah Reyes, first grade teacher at Lake Elmo Elementary, was also nominated for the award by School District 834.