WOODBURY, MN (WNN) – Some of the guests at Woodbury News Net’s recent anniversary celebration were discussing the price of eggs.
They were considering raising chickens in response to rising egg prices. Some people remembered the Woodbury City Council recently discussed the issue. But they couldn’t remember the resolution. We found out.
Woodbury Senior Community Relations Coordinator Jason Egerstrom tells Woodbury News Net, “Woodbury amended its livestock ordinance in 2024 to allow for the keeping of chickens on properties within the Urban Reserve (R-1) and Single-Family Estate (R-2) zoning districts…. The new ordinance allows three chickens (hens only) per property on lots that measure 0-3.99 acres and one chicken per acre on properties over 4 acres. Before this change, livestock – including chickens – was only permitted on properties that measure 5 acres or more.”
Egerstrom added the new ordinance reflected the 2024 Woodbury Community Survey.
Residents were asked about their level of support for allowing backyard chickens on residential lots. Nine in 10 respondents voiced approval of backyard chickens being allowed on rural estate properties of 3 acres or larger, while six in 10 respondents strongly or somewhat strongly approved of backyard chickens on urban properties of 1 acre or larger. Conversely, around six in 10 residents somewhat or strongly disapproved of permitting chickens on standard city lots.
The white and pale green areas on the map allow for chickens: woodburymn.gov/ZoningMap.
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