Woodbury Thrives
Woodbury Community Garden
WOODBURY, MN (WNN) – Raised and wheelchair accessible spots in the 2025 Woodbury Community Garden can now be reserved for residents who want to grow vegetables, flowers, and connections with their neighbors.
The Community Garden is adjacent to Andy’s Bark Park, 11664 Dale Road, just east of Woodbury Drive, with parking available on site. Daily hours are from 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
There are 30 raised beds and 12 wheelchair accessible beds.
In December there was a lottery for ground plots, which are full.

The Community Garden is a partnership between Woodbury Thrives and the City of Woodbury. The garden was first planted in 2022. These beds were made possible by grants from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and AARP.
Plots cost $25 for the summer, with financial aid available for those in need. It is open to all Woodbury residents.
People can register through the city’s website. There is a limit to one plot or raised bed per household or civic origination.
Additional information on the garden is available at: www.woodburymn.gov/communitygarden