Washington County Handout
Plastic-Free Challenge Graphic
Do you think you could give up plastics for a month? Washington County officials are challenging residents to do just that.
“Plastics can be a challenge – they clutter our spaces, are often tricky to recycle, and contribute to litter. They also harm water, wildlife, and may even pose unknown health risks,” a county news release states. “The good news is that there’s a lot we can do to help create a plastic-free world. From understanding plastic waste and recycling to making simple swaps, advocating for community change, and sharing your story, every step counts.”
One solution is joining the plastic-free challenge being sponsored by Hennepin, Ramsey and Washington counties. “The challenge will help you notice the plastic you use in everyday life, connect you with resources to help you reduce it, and provide support and motivation along the way,” the release adds. “Together, our actions can protect water and wildlife, address climate change, improve our health, and move us closer to a plastic-free future.”
The idea is to find plastic items in your life and think of ways to avoid purchasing them. The challenge urges residents to reduce or repurpose what you can and properly recycle plastics you cannot avoid.
You can join the challenge by clicking here. https://tcplasticfree.ecochallenge.org/challenges