More major changes are coming for I-94 in Woodbury, including a traffic switch and a reduction to two lanes, as work continues on a $120 million construction project that stretches to the Wisconsin border.
Ramps reopen: By tomorrow, crews are expected to reopen the ramp from northbound I-494 to eastbound I-94 as well as the ramp from eastbound I-94 to southbound I-494. UPDATE (10/25/24): The Minnesota Department of Transportation now says these ramps will reopen Monday.
Overnight stops: Oct. 28 through Oct. 30 traffic will be stopped for 10-15 minutes at a time from 1:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. between Century Avenue and Woodbury Drive. Crews will be installing overhead signs.
Single lane overnight: Beginning at 7 p.m. on Oct. 30, eastbound I-94 will be reduced to a single lane between Century Avenue and Woodbury Drive to allow crews to shift traffic. By 5 a.m., Oct. 31, eastbound I-94 will reopen to two lanes on the east side of this stretch of the interstate.
Only two lanes: Then both directions of I-94 will be reduced to two lanes until the middle of November while crews construct a new center median.
More ramps reopen: On Oct. 31, the ramp from eastbound I-94 to Radio Drive/Inwood Avenue. North and the ramp from southbound Radio Drive/Inwood Avenue North to eastbound I-94 are expected to reopen.
Ramp staying closed: The ramp from northbound Radio Drive/Inwood Avenue North to eastbound I-94 will remain closed from Oct. 31 until the middle of November for additional work.
Ramps closing: From Oct. 31 to Nov. 9, the ramp from westbound I-94 to southbound I-494 and the ramp from northbound I-694 to westbound I-94 will close to allow the construction of a concrete median under the interchange.
The project is resurfacing the pavement and making other improvements on I-94 from Century Avenue to the Wisconsin border and is expected to be completed in late fall.